About us
The BioPhysics group has a diverse profile, the interactions between the members of the group naturally leads to interdisciplinary research activities.
The focus of the group has been on expression of peptides and proteins, synthesis and functionalization of various organic as well as inorganic nanostructures, and molecular electronics with emphasis on charge transport through nanostructures such as DNA and peptide nanowires.
Major projects:
Antimicrobial Peptides - Structure function relationships
Somatostatin receptor II: A cancer target
Surfactant Peptides
DNA-based molecular electronics
Nano-structured surfaces for cell research
Controlled drug release from modified surfaces
Ultrasensitive biosensors
The School is aimed on providing theoretical background and “hands-on” experience in applications of SPM in Life Sciences, Soft Matter and Nanofabrication. The School will offer lectures and training by internationally renowned scientiscs, including Ned Seeman (New York University), Yuri Lyubchenko (Univ. of Nebraska) and Alexander Kotlyar (Tel-Aviv University). The SPM equipment will be provided by NT-MDT Europe BV.
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This is a new joint project of BioPhysics Group and River Publishers.
Self-Assembly and Molecular Electronics (SAME) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, specializing in the areas of molecular electronics and self assembly systems. SAME encourages original cross-disciplinary full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, state-of-the-art reviews.
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